Home & Garden Tour FAQs

We can’t wait to celebrate together while raising money for our neighborhood’s future projects in tandem with enjoying our neighbor’s keen sense of preservation, green infrastructure & overall stewardship. We truly appreciate everyone coming together and making this year’s tour happen. Whether you’re a ticket holder, a volunteer, a part of the planning committee or featuring your home on the tour, YOU ALL made this happen together. And YES – You can still buy tickets online, OR in person using credit card, cash or check.

Cheers to all,
Jessica Radford

Home & Garden Tour FAQs

Q. How do I get tickets?

A. Get tickets online:
Purchase tickets at check-in the day of:
Blenman Elementary school
1650 North Bentley Avenue, Tucson 85716
(ramada on playground)

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Tickets are $30. We recommend buying tickets in advance. If you choose to wait to purchase your ticket at check-in you can pay with card, cash or check. Proceeds benefit neighborhood upkeep, and a portion of ticket sales will be donated to Blenman Elementary School.

Q. Where is check-in?

A. Blenman Elementary School
1650 North Bentley Avenue, Tucson 85716.
Check-in a the teal ramada on the playground. The cross streets are Bentley and Lee. You can park in the parking lot on the west side of the school, on Bentley, or on any of the E-W cross streets nearby.

Q. How long does the tour take?

A. The event runs from 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The tour is self-guided, so you can go as slowly or as quickly as you like, and choose to visit as many or as few of the locations as you wish. If you would like to see all sites you can expect to spend the afternoon on the home tour.

Q. What should I bring with me?

A. As this is a walking tour, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Bring a water bottle, wear sunscreen and avoid bulky backpacks. You may with to bring sunglasses and/or a hat for the outdoor portion of the tour.

Q. Do I drive from house to house?

A. Street parking is available throughout the neighborhood. The homes are grouped into 3 sections. We recommend driving to each section and walking to the homes in that area before driving to the next. As the home tour is self-guided, you can choose where to start and end.

Q. Will restrooms be available?

A. Ticket holders are not permitted to use restroom facilities in the homes. We recommend taking breaks throughout the tour and visiting the many great restaurants and cafes within the neighborhood! Most cafes and restaurants can be found on Speedway Blvd.

Got more questions?? Send us a direct message or email blenman.elm@gmail.com.

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